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 address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

Dedication of love

wirter: read 2363 ci time:2012年8月18日 daying

In order to support the Qinghai Yushu earthquake reconstruction built in 2010, the company on 22 May in Yushu donated JW-2102 portable infrared breast examination instrument and other materials of value Wu Wanyuan
shangyipian: Saline nasal wash to treat rhinitis, green and saf |
xiyipian: The spray chamber medical material certificate
read 2363  
address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone    mob:0516-85795556 85800740
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