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     address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

    Brine sterilization principle

    wirter: read 2492 ci time:2012年8月18日 daying

    To say that saline nasal wash, need to talk about the brine sterilization principle. Everyone in the high school biology we should learn: bacterial concentration in body fluids and body fluid concentration, when the bacteria have higher concentrations of salt water, high concentration brine will make bacterial penetration occurs, so that the loss of death, so salt water sterilization.
    Water swelling, similarly, salt water can absorb the moisture swelling, in favor of swelling.

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    read 2492  
    address:No.19 # 01, Floor 1-2, Building 19, Phase I, Xuzhou Jingkai Zhizao Garden, Liandong U Valley, No.6 Leye Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone    mob:0516-85795556 85800740
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